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About Me

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portugal coast
about me
about me

I Am! Yes, I AM!

Known in this lifetime as Be, my greatest passion was, is and will be exploring, feeling, integrating and Consciously Living my Consciousness.

This took me in some of the most interesting and weirdest places possible (physical and non-physical).

I’ve created all I needed to truly understand my I AM, how realities are created, why I’m here and so much more.

I’ve realized that there is no separation between me and my Soul unless I wanted to experience this. I’ve integrated the natural freedom that each and every souled being has, but very few choose it from all their heart, with no agenda or expectations.

Joy is the natural state of being when you allow yourself to go beyond separation, the aspects games and especially when you love your self no matter what.

And from this Passion was born another one – of sharing from my own experience and wisdom, of assisting others in their own natural process of Realization, of allowing themselves to discover the Love of Self and of receiving their Soul into this reality.

I know how hard it is sometimes, how some days are hopeless in this transformation and I know how it’s like in the Dark night of the Soul.

But I also know that this is an Absolutely Natural Process, that whatever you’re going through will pass, and especially that it can also be easy. So simple that it’s the hardest thing a human could ever do. (without doing)

Once I’ve gone through all of these I understood that everything was exactly as I wanted and needed it to be. No one has ever made me do anything and never could. At one point, tired and at the end of my stubbornness and resistance, I let go. I let go of the fight (with myself) No Matter What!

And then I started to LIVE!

Joy, Abundance, Love, they all flooded this reality and they continue to do so, more and more. This is Natural! And it’s available for each and every one!

If you feel we speak the same language, if you want to share with me your journey or of you feel I can assist you with anything, feel free to contact me. You can do this using the Contact page

With great Joy,
Master Be

I offer a wide array of services aimed at simplifying your life & Allowing your Presence

Private Sessions

In the space that's created you'll have the opportunity to let go of any pattern and any energy you're facing with and that no longer serve you

One month with You

Imagine the changes and potentials that would come into this reality before, during and after having ONE Month with You!

From Awakening to Realization

Multi-Day Course to assist you from Awakening and Realization

Free videos about Realization

A collection of Wonderful & Free materials about Realization

Let's Create Something Together