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I Am Here

a Safe Space to experience the Sweetness of Your Own Flow

From Awakening to Realization

A Complete Guide to Gracefully Glide from Awakening to Realization

Amazing Services & Experiences

Private Sessions

In the space that's created you'll have the opportunity to let go of any pattern and any energy you're facing with and that no longer serve you

One month with You

Imagine the changes and potentials that would come into this reality before, during and after having ONE Month with You!

Conscious Relationships

1 hour sessions on everything related to Relationships

Free videos about Realization

A collection of Wonderful & Free materials about Realization

A Little bit about Me

Known in this lifetime as Be, my greatest passion was, is and will be exploring, feeling, integrating and Living my Consciousness.

This took me in some of the most interesting and sometimes weird places possible (physical and non-physical).

I’ve created all I needed to truly understand my I AM, how realities are created, why I’m here and so much more.

Free Articles and Videos

Life beyond the Needs in Relationships
Wisdom & Realization

Life beyond the Needs in Relationships

Imagine a life beyond the needs in relationships, simply being and sharing with others from the Joy of life. Not because of an agenda, a wound or a past story,…
It just Takes Time ... and Allowing
Wisdom & Realization

It just Takes Time … and Allowing

Hello dear friends & Greetings from sunny Egypt! In today's video I share a very personal perspective about all the deep and intense shifts that one goes through in their…
Wisdom & Realization

The Gifts of being Honest, especially to your Self

A short video about The Gifts of being Honest, especially to your Self, accepting yourself, allowing the energies to balance through a simple act of love. (it might take a…
Wisdom & Realization

Who do you Choose to Be? – Let’s talk about Aspects

Are you tired of the same thoughts going on and on in your your mind? Do you feel stuck in the same patterns of your life with maybe just a…

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